Yes, I'm well aware that I'm now about about 2 weeks overdue. My apologies.
Anyhow, On 11.1.11, I turned 22! Happy B'day to meeeeeeEEEEEEe.
No i dont feel old or physically different. Neither wings or (visible) horns have pop'd out from my head YET. And whats with this "So how does it feel being 22?" question??
How else am i suppose to feel?!
Moving on...on the start of 2011 itself, the 'universe' has showed and promised me change for the year. POSITIVE change!!! FINALLY!!!
2010 wasn't a good year for me. Filled with mischiefs and other countless dramatic moments i kept to myself.
This year, although its just beginning, Im happy to say that things are looking brighter for me.
So here are some updates on my personal life:
LOVE. oooohhhhh how i remember i hated that 'L' word. It has abandoned me for one whole year and now its BACK and its REAL.
Yes, I've been shooting cupid in the head lately but i forgot to shoot Karma! Careless me. tsk tsk
Now, Karma has played its card on me and im reminded again to NEVER say NEVER.
You might be asking "what's so bad if Karma has provided you love?". Well yes it is a positive thing and i WANT this kind of Karma on me. But how sure are we that this will last? What if things ends abruptly and im left with another broken heart yet again? Then THAT'S what you call a slap in the face.
Truth is, neither of us knows where this road will lead us. But a good friend once said to me recently ( and I try to remember this often ) > Every time your in a happy place, take a step back, breath in, enjoy the moment, and breath out. Do it again and again to make time moves slower. Its all about appreciation. And that is what WE have to do.
Simple...but difficult.
And what about my career you ask?
Career?? Atif Zulkifly working?
Yes peeps, The time has come. I shall not reveal much at this point of time, for im not yet officially working yet. But when i am, i'll keep ya'll posted aites!
One hint on this topic though: Im gonna be very busy and tired of flying ;)
I'd love to reveal more of my 2011 life but this will only lead from one yawn to another. Basically, i just wanted to update my blo with a simple 'Happy New Year' greeting but since im way overdue and its way too short, this was the best i can come up with.
Thanks for reading this far. And i'll keep more posts up soon
Meanwhile, If u have not heard....Justin Bieber is coming to Kuala Lumpur.
No, im nto a fan but i figured you guys would like to know anyways ;p
Till then, stay safe!

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