In case you've been out of technology's reach lately and somehow decided to stumble on my blog for some reason then let me update you a little something on one of my (and Malaysia's) favourite rising singer, Yuna.
Yuna did 'ballad-indie' cover version of Nirvana's 'Come As You Are' recently and it sure has gotten a lot of attention from big names on planet Hollywood..and one of then is blogger, gossip God, PEREZ HILTON!
Yes, Perez posted the video up on his blog saying "This is so lovely!
Check out this awesome take on the Nirvana classic Come As You Are by Malaysian singer Yuna! ".
And it sure is a lovely version of the classic indeed. Smells like what? Smells like success yEAH!
To check the video out on Perez's website, here's the LiNk >> http://perezhilton.com/2011-07-06-listen-to-this-smells-like