With Britney's failed 'advertisement music video' for Hold It Against Me, I was rather convinced that there won't be any reason for me to get excited on her next music video from that moment on.....little did I know Miss Britney would prove me wrong!
Browsing through Facebook, I found a Youtube link on Britney's new released video, 'Till The World Ends'.
At the beginning of the video, I thought this was gonna be one of those fake fan-made music videos that has other Britney look-alike in it. But, I was taken by surprise to know that it really is her and it's an original music video for that song!
Hot Hot Hotness!!!
Britney is seen dressed up in tights and stilettos that shows off her sexy curves.
The music video starts off like an Armageddon trailer with all the falling debris and meteors from the sky. A 2012 picture. But below all that chaos, a sexy party is being held underground with of course, Britney being the hostess of it all.
Looking back at this video, you would soon recognize that it looks like another 'Im a slave 4 you' spin-off. However, Im just relieved to see NO such promotional brands throughout it all! PHIEEWWWWW
But of course, when there's a plus point, there's the minus points.
The one thing that lacks in this video is.......yu, you guessed it! ~HER EPIC DANCE~
Nevertheless it has always been the problem since Kevin Federline came into the picture. Though i hope she doesnt gives up and start taking dancing seriously again.
Cause seriously, Britney....the one excuse we accept you for miming on stage is that you have some ass-kicking dance routine you always pull off on stage. Now that's history, there shouldn't be a problem on singing LIVE.
Kudos to the Director for NOT taking advantage of Britney like the rest, and for bringing sexy right back to her name ;)
Go Britney, Go Britney, Go Britney!