Its been about a month since my last blog and im sorry for that. Its just that there aint anything worth blogging about lately. Yes, my life is a bore!
However, today i was awaken from a phone call by my singaporean buddy Naz, breaking a very shocking and tragic news to me. Our dear friend, Koi, has passed on to the next life.
Let me tell you a little history about me and Koi...
Well, i first met koi with Naz in KL. Wondering the streets in searach of a karaoke joint, but everythign was closed. it was close to 3 am. DUH! :p
We ended up lepaking at Naz's hotel room having McD breakfast. Oh and on top of that, my eyes was in horrible shape with all the crying from the 'A' drama! wek wek wek
After that, me and Koi kept contact through...what else than our trusty facebook! hehehe
Soon after, we met up again for a movie at Midvalley. Angels and Demons!
He hates the movie though. And before that, i had my first bite of Carls jr. delicious! And yet again my eyes was in monster form..not cuz of my endless tears, but cuz of a contact lense incident. sucky sucky~
That was a month back and it was the second and last time we've ever met.
Earlier this week, we planned out our third meeting. And yes, another movie outing was planned.
Thursday feb 25th, 6.30 pm, 'from paris with love' at Pavilion.
But my dear Koi had no choice but to answer's God's call on Wednesday, 24th feb.
Cardiac Arrest and asthma.
And now, he is to be with God Almighty.
So there i am standing outside his house at 10+ am with jac to accompany me for our third meeting. This time round, my eyes was in healthy condition! But he wasnt able to see that. And im sorry for not spending more time with you Koi.
I know you wanted to get to know me better and so did i. But trust me, i love you more then ever now.
You will be missed my friend. We love you always. Rest in peace. Al-Fatihah